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MMA Fighters From Ecuador

MMA Fighters From Ecuador

Fighter   Height   Weight Class   Record   Nation
Mike Vinueza N/A Am 0-1-0
Milton "Stip" Miranda N/A Flyweight 0-2-0
Milton Cruz N/A 0-0-0
Milton Barba N/A Lightweight Am 0-1-0
Milton Olivo N/A Middleweight 2-2-0
Miraba Armijos N/A Middleweight 1-0-0
Misael Mena N/A Flyweight Am 1-0-0
Misael Josua Mena Rosero N/A Strawweight Am 2-2-0
Mishell Nogales 5'3" (160cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Mishell Oleas N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
Mishell Diaz N/A Bantamweight 0-0-1
Mishell Rodriguez N/A Flyweight 1-0-0
Mishell Bastidas N/A 0-1-0
Moises Chafla N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Moises "GuaGua" Guagua N/A 0-0-0
Moshe Bedoya N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Nahim Delmarcelle N/A Lightweight Am 2-0-0
Natalia Morocho N/A Flyweight Am 1-1-0
Neil Marin N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Nelson Satan N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Nelson Junior Torres N/A Atomweight Am 1-0-0
Nelson Junior Torres Villafuerte N/A Strawweight Am 0-1-0
Neptali Veles N/A 1-0-0
Neptaly Velez Moreira N/A Bantamweight 2-0-0
Nestor Jimenez N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Neximar Nuñez N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Nhaim Delmarcelle N/A Lightweight Am 0-1-0
Nickolas Carranza Perez N/A Featherweight Am 1-1-0
Nico Barrios N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Nicol Juna N/A Atomweight 0-1-0
Nicola Lascano N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Nicolas Cangahuamin 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 2-0-0
Nicolas Narvaes N/A Strawweight 0-0-0
Nicolas Conce N/A Middleweight Am 1-0-0
Nicolas Apolo N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Nicolas Sanchez N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Nicolas Cespedes N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Nicolas Peralta N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Nicolas Narvaez N/A Strawweight Am 0-2-0
Nicolas Galvis N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Nicolas Haro N/A Lightweight Am 0-1-0
Nicolas Diaz N/A Lightweight Am 0-1-0
Nicolay Altamirano N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Nicole Cantuña N/A Flyweight Am 3-1-0
Nigel Cayancela N/A Atomweight Am 0-1-0
Nikolay Altamirano N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Nilo Navarrete N/A Bantamweight Am 1-1-0
Nixon "El Halcon" Ankuash N/A 0-0-0
Nixon Pacheco N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Nixon Llivichuiza N/A Heavyweight 0-0-0
Nixon Llivichusca N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Nixon Andres Grefa Lopez N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Odine Rivadeneira N/A Atomweight Am 1-0-0
Oldrichs Matías Rocha N/A Strawweight Am 1-0-0
Oliver Aguilar N/A Lightweight 0-0-0
Oliver Parra N/A Lightweight Am 0-1-0
Olmes Nogales N/A Featherweight Am 1-2-0
Omar Carriel N/A Lightweight 0-1-0
Omar Noriega N/A Middleweight 1-0-0
Omar Tapia N/A 0-1-0
Omar Ordoñez N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Omar Cornejo N/A Flyweight 0-2-0
Omar Macias N/A 0-0-0
Omar Mosquera N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Orlando Padilla N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Orlando "Mosquito" Chavez 5'7" (170cm) Flyweight Am 1-0-1
Orlando "Viquingo" Imbaquingo N/A Bantamweight Am 3-0-0
Osama Mhana N/A Light Heavyweight 0-0-0
Osama Mhanna N/A Middleweight 0-0-0
Osama Mhanna Llerena N/A Light Heavyweight 0-2-0
Oscar Rosas N/A Flyweight Am 1-0-0
Oscar Minaya N/A Flyweight Am 2-0-0
Oscar Zurita N/A Bantamweight 3-4-0
Oscar Polo N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Oscar Bohorquez 5'5" (165cm) Flyweight 4-1-0
Oscar Fonseca 5'4" (163cm) Flyweight 3-0-0
Oscar Carvajal N/A Featherweight Am 1-1-0
Oscar Londoño N/A Flyweight 0-1-0
Oscar Valverde N/A Heavyweight 0-0-0
Oscar Calvopiña N/A Lightweight 2-1-0
Oscar "El Negro Oscar" Celi Honores 5'4" (163cm) Lightweight 1-0-0
Oscar Guerrero 5'6" (168cm) Featherweight 7-10-0
Oscar Carrera N/A 0-0-0
Oscar Fonseca N/A Flyweight 0-0-0
Oscar Cortez N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Oscar Fernando Tapia Gomez N/A Flyweight Am 0-2-0
Oscar Sebastian Rosas Trujillo N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Oscar Stalin Caicedo Torres N/A Bantamweight Am 1-2-0
Otto Garrido N/A Flyweight 0-0-0
Otto Oyola Alburqueque N/A Light Heavyweight 2-0-0
Pablo Suntaxi N/A Flyweight 2-1-0
Pablo Pesantez N/A Middleweight Am 1-0-0
Pablo Enrique Bones N/A Lightweight 1-1-0
Pablo Quimuña N/A Middleweight 0-0-0
Pablo Quinde N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Pablo Capa N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Pablo Osorio N/A Atomweight Am 0-1-0
Pablo Mendez N/A Lightweight 0-1-0
Pablo Oñate N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Pablo Escobar N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Pablo Lituma N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Pablo Torres N/A Featherweight 1-1-0
Pablo Garcia N/A Featherweight 0-2-0
Pablo Andres Muriel N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Pablo Vaca N/A Middleweight 0-2-0
Pablo Roja N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Pablo Chuchuca N/A 0-0-0
Pablo Esteban Parra Pacheco N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Paco Espinoza 5'8" (173cm) Lightweight 2-1-0
Palma Vite Eunice Veronica N/A Lightweight Am 1-0-0
Paolo Araujo N/A Am 0-1-0
Patricio Lopez N/A 0-0-0
Patricio Calle N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
Patricio Ulloa N/A Featherweight 3-1-0
Patricio Silva N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Patricio Castro N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Patricio "Martillo" Goottman N/A Welterweight 0-2-0
Patricio Astudillo N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Patrick Rueda N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Patrick Jesus Tamay N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Paul Hayo N/A 0-0-0
Paul Ullrich N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Paul Ortega N/A Flyweight Am 1-0-0
Paul Fernandez N/A Lightweight 1-0-0
Paul Cornejo N/A Middleweight Am 1-1-0
Paulina Rodriguez N/A Flyweight 0-0-0
Paulo Malla Dias Wilmer N/A Bantamweight Am 1-1-0
Pedro Morocho N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Pedro "El Insoportable" Villegas 5'6" (168cm) 0-0-0
Pedro España N/A Heavyweight 0-1-0
Pedro Panezo N/A 0-0-0
Pedro Vera N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Pedro Parejas N/A Am 0-1-0
Pedro Vanegas Vasconez N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Pedro Andres Naranjo Gonzalez N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Peter "El Puma" Torres 5'8" (173cm) Welterweight 5-3-0
Pierre Gutierrez N/A Middleweight Am 0-1-0
Pin Morales N/A Am 0-1-0
Polivio "El Pollo" Lopez 5'7" (170cm) Lightweight 3-0-0
Priscilla Orellana N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Rafael Suin N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Rafael Paredes N/A Atomweight Am 0-0-1
Rafael "El Campeon" Tirado Jr 5'5" (165cm) 0-0-0
Rafaela Cañizares N/A Bantamweight Am 1-5-0
Ramiro Salinas N/A Lightweight Am 0-1-0
Ramiro "El Charro" Alonso N/A Middleweight 0-1-0
Ramiro Manjarres N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Randi Puegmad N/A Bantamweight Am 1-1-0
Raul Solorzano N/A 0-0-0
Raul "Gacho" Jimenez 6'2" (188cm) Light Heavyweight 6-2-0
Raul Aucancela N/A Welterweight 2-0-0
Raul Maisingher Mendez N/A Flyweight Am 2-0-0
Raul Tigre N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Raul "La Mole" Oñate N/A 0-3-0
Raul Miranda N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Raul Andres Michelena Velez N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Ray Lee Loy N/A 0-0-0
Raymond Reyes N/A Bantamweight Am 7-2-0
Raymond Reyes N/A Flyweight 0-0-0
Reinaldo Arturo Robalino Bailon N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Renato Ñauta N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Renato Jimenez N/A Featherweight Am 2-0-0
Rene Tenemasa N/A Lightweight Am 0-1-0
Rene Tenemaza N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Rene "Rana" Salinas N/A Lightweight 2-0-0
Rene Cordero N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Renzo Zambrano N/A 0-0-0
Rey Lee Loy N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Ribaldo Santana N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Ricardo Balseca N/A 0-0-0
Ricardo Centeno 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 9-9-0
Ricardo Ramon N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Ricardo Choy N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Ricardo Mazaban N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Ricardo Constante N/A Lightweight Am 0-1-0
Ricardo Jaramillo N/A Bantamweight 0-3-0
Ricardo Astudillo N/A Bantamweight 0-2-0
Ricardo López N/A 0-0-0
Ricardo Astudillo N/A 0-0-0
Ricardo Casanova N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Ricardo Almachi N/A 0-0-0
Ricardo Figueroa N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Ricardo Villacis N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Ricardo "El Tigre" Balseca N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Richard Avila N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Richard Macías N/A Strawweight 0-2-0
Richard Asitimbay N/A Strawweight 4-1-1
Richard Yantas N/A 0-0-0
Richard Carrion N/A Lightweight Am 1-0-0
Richard Suarez 5'10" (178cm) Lightweight 2-0-0
Richard Chica N/A Bantamweight Am 9-1-0
Ricky Garcia N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Riky Garcia N/A Atomweight Am 0-1-0
River Moreira N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Robert "Reaper" Tayupanca N/A Flyweight Am 1-0-0
Roberth Falconi N/A Flyweight Am 1-1-0
Roberto Linton N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Roberto Retto 5'7" (170cm) 2-1-0
Roberto "El Vago de Oro" Zambrano 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight 5-1-0
Roberto Veintimilla N/A Lightweight 0-0-0
Roberto Zuñiga N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Roberto Espinoza N/A Bantamweight 0-2-0
Roberto Bitar 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 1-0-0
Roberto Rosado N/A Light Heavyweight Am 0-1-0
Roberto "Kimbo Slice" Gomez N/A Lightweight Am 0-1-0
Robin Vera Andrade "El Loco Vera" 5'6" (167cm) Flyweight 0-2-0
Rodny Chamba N/A Strawweight Am 0-1-0
Rodrigo Moran N/A Lightweight Am 1-0-0
Rodrigo Reyes N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Roger Jaramillo N/A 1-0-0
Roger Loreto N/A 0-1-0
Roger "Chocolatoso" Arroyo N/A Bantamweight 2-2-0
Roger Rosales N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Roger "Dinamita" Guerrero 5'10" (177cm) 0-0-0
Roger Aguas N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
Rolando Wampash N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Romario Escobar N/A 0-0-0
Romario Molina N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Romel Santamaria N/A Welterweight Am 1-2-0
Romel "Dragon" Orosco N/A Bantamweight 6-3-0
Romel Daniel Santamaria N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Romel Tsanimp 5'4" (163cm) 0-0-0
Romeo Ojeda N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Ronal Gaibor N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Ronal Cantos N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ronal Castro N/A Flyweight 0-1-0
Ronal Baque N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Ronal Cepeda N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Ronal "RR" Oviedo N/A 0-1-0
Ronald Llivichusca N/A Lightweight Am 1-0-0
Ronald "Choy" Quizhpe N/A Flyweight 0-1-0
Ronald Molina N/A Lightweight Am 0-3-0
Ronald Saavedra Cuzco N/A Middleweight Am 0-1-0
Ronald Castro N/A Flyweight Am 1-1-0
Ronaldo Luis Nagua N/A Lightweight Am 0-1-0
Ronaldo Giron N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Ronie Ramos N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Ronnald Martinez N/A 0-0-0
Ronnie Ramos N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Ronny Gutierrez N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Ronny "Pepudo" Vega Jumbo N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Ronny Salomon "Chichashow" Plaza 5'11" (181cm) Heavyweight Am 2-0-0
Ronny Yang N/A Lightweight 0-1-0
Ronny Cabrera N/A Flyweight 0-0-0
Ronny Hidalgo N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Rosa Elvira Leal Plazo N/A Strawweight 0-0-0
Rouse Leal N/A Strawweight Am 1-0-0
Roy Torres N/A Lightweight Am 0-1-0
Royer Laya Gonzalez N/A Lightweight Am 0-1-0
Royer Saquisela N/A Middleweight Am 0-1-0
Ruben Castro N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ruben "Bruno" Caicedo N/A Welterweight 3-1-0
Rudyard Moncayo 5'10" (178cm) Middleweight 0-3-0
Ruth Leon N/A 0-0-0
Saimel "El Cuba" Hernandez N/A Lightweight 0-1-0
Salvaje Santos N/A 0-0-0
Samanta Arce Parra N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Samantha Luna N/A Strawweight 1-0-0
Samantha Vaca 5'1" (155cm) Strawweight 1-1-0
Samia "Sami" Jacome N/A Flyweight 0-1-0
Samir España N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Sammy Olave N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Samuel Malave N/A Am 0-1-0
Samuel Padilla N/A Am 0-1-0
Samuel Monte N/A Flyweight Am 2-0-0
Samuel Arteaga N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Samuel Herrera N/A Heavyweight Am 0-1-0
Samuel Quezada N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Samuel "Deadpool" Mieles N/A Featherweight Am 7-4-0
Samuel Sanchez N/A Flyweight 0-0-0
Sandro Israel Miranda N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Santiago Fajardo N/A Flyweight Am 1-1-0
Santiago Lucero N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Santiago Leon N/A Bantamweight Am 1-4-0
Santiago Morales N/A Bantamweight 2-2-0
Santiago Insuasti N/A Bantamweight Am 5-0-0
Santiago Curillo N/A Flyweight 1-5-0
Santiago Parra N/A Flyweight 1-0-0
Santiago "Pitbull" Guarderas 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 1-0-0
Santiago Moreno N/A Featherweight Am 2-0-0
Santiago Gutierrez N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Santiago Carrera N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Santiago Insuasti N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Santiago Currillo N/A Flyweight Am 0-2-0
Santiago Intriago N/A Flyweight Am 3-4-0
Santiago Guevara N/A Featherweight Am 2-0-0
Santy Toledo N/A Welterweight 3-2-0
Saul Ramirez N/A Middleweight Am 1-0-0
Sebasthian Morales N/A Flyweight Am 1-0-0
Sebastian Paida N/A Strawweight Am 3-0-0
Sebastian Paira N/A Strawweight Am 0-1-0
Sebastian Arcalle N/A Featherweight Am 3-0-0
Sebastian Flores N/A Flyweight 0-0-0
Sebastian Cadena N/A Middleweight Am 2-1-0
Sebastian Santana N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Sebastian Jaramillo N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Sebastian Luna Luna N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Sebastian Rueda N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Sebastian Alvarado N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
Sebastian "La leyenda" Gaibor N/A Flyweight Am 6-2-0
Sebastian Brito 5'5" (165cm) Bantamweight Am 1-2-0
Sebastian Peralta N/A Lightweight 0-2-0
Sebastian Franco N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Sebastian Vargas N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Sebastian Ceballos N/A Flyweight 0-0-1
Sebastian Montalvan N/A Welterweight Am 2-0-0
Sebastian Martinez N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Sebastian Alejandro Pincay N/A Light Heavyweight Am 0-3-0
Sebastian Ordoñez N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Sebastian Sanchez N/A Flyweight Am 1-0-0
Sebastian Nicolas Gaibor N/A Flyweight 0-0-0
Segundo Padilla 5'7" (171cm) 0-0-0
Sergio Belduma N/A Lightweight 0-0-0
Servando Valencia N/A Welterweight Am 3-0-0
Seymmond Mendieta N/A Lightweight 0-0-0
Shalin Guaman N/A 0-0-0
Shayana Andrade N/A Atomweight Am 1-0-0
Shong Mite Santos N/A Lightweight Am 2-0-0
Silvia Ortiz N/A Strawweight 0-2-0
Simoneth Kingman N/A Atomweight 0-0-0
Simoneth Kingman N/A Flyweight Am 2-1-1
Sixto Omar Enriquez N/A Bantamweight 3-0-0
Sneider "Galan" N/A Flyweight 0-0-0
Sneider Macias N/A Middleweight Am 0-1-0
Stalin Vasquez N/A Featherweight Am 1-1-0
Stalin Mejia N/A 0-0-0
Stalin Salinas N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Stalin Alvarez N/A Bantamweight Am 0-0-0, 1 NC
Stalin "Gremlin" Franco 5'5" (165cm) Flyweight 2-1-0
Stalin Nazareno N/A Lightweight Am 1-0-0
Stalin Andres Trujillo N/A Featherweight Am 2-1-0
Stalin Marcelo Tomaico N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Stalyn Martinez N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Steeven Castelo N/A Lightweight Am 0-1-0
Stefano Oña N/A Bantamweight Am 4-4-0
Stephano Del Valle N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Stevan Teran N/A Lightweight Am 0-1-0
Steven Almeida 5'8" (173cm) Featherweight 1-4-0
Steven Vera N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Steven Tomala N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Steven Carpio N/A Lightweight 0-1-0
Steven Troya N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Steven Guachambosa N/A 0-0-0
Steven Bustamante N/A Flyweight Am 1-0-0
Steven Rivas N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Steven Hurtado N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Susan Meyli Chala N/A 0-0-0
Tadeo Pullas N/A Atomweight Am 0-1-0
Tamara Sofia Sofia N/A Flyweight 0-1-0
Telman Pabon N/A Strawweight Am 1-0-0
Thiago Arroyo 6'2" (187cm) Welterweight 2-2-0
Thomas Povea N/A Featherweight Am 1-1-0
Thomas Chavez N/A Flyweight Am 1-1-0
Tito Merchan N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Tito Mosquera N/A Middleweight Am 0-1-0
Tito "El Dragon" Mosqueira N/A 0-0-0
Tomas Alarcon Rivas N/A Featherweight Am 1-1-0
Tyrone Mera N/A Bantamweight 1-0-0
Urupik Castro N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Valery Paez N/A Lightweight Am 0-1-0
Veder Tapia N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Veronica Cajamarca N/A Strawweight Am 0-1-0
Vicente Bellolio N/A Heavyweight Am 0-1-0
Vicente David "EL CHENTE" Solis Calero N/A Featherweight Am 2-4-0
Victor Gregory Giler N/A Welterweight Am 0-2-1
Victor Vallejo N/A 0-0-0
Victor Lahit N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Victor Lahit N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Victor "Rasaviado" Amaya Soria 5'8" (173cm) Featherweight 4-2-0
Victor Gonzalez N/A Featherweight 1-1-0
Victor Serrano N/A Lightweight Am 0-1-0
Victor "The Bull" Dominguez N/A 0-0-0
Victor Coello N/A Lightweight Am 2-0-0
Victor Acosta N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Victoria Melendez N/A 0-0-0
Vinicio Ludeña N/A Flyweight 0-1-0
Vinicio Pisuña N/A Featherweight Am 2-0-0
Vinicio Castro N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Vinicio Morocho N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Vistor Ibarra N/A 1-0-0
Viviana Ortega N/A 0-0-0
Vladimir Quillipangui N/A Flyweight 0-1-0
Voltaire Gonzalez N/A Flyweight 0-0-0
Víctor González N/A 0-1-0
Wagner Palma 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 0-1-0
Walter Emilio N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Walter Fiallos N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Walter Toapanta N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Walter Guingla N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Walter Guevara N/A Lightweight 0-1-0
Walther Guigla N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Wellington Correa N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Wilkeiber Cumana N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
William Armijos N/A Lightweight Am 1-0-0
William "El Inquebrantable" Loyola N/A Featherweight Am 2-2-0
William Riveros N/A Bantamweight Am 0-0-0, 1 NC
William Espin N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
William Loyola N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
William Antonio "Dieb" Anastacio N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Williams Sanchez N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0

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