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MMA Fighters From Bolivia

MMA Fighters From Bolivia

Fighter   Height   Weight Class   Record   Nation
Luis "El Rayo" Vicente N/A 0-1-0
Luis Fernando Bustamante N/A Flyweight Am 5-2-0
Luis Rodrigo Corila N/A Flyweight Am 0-2-0
Luis Chambi N/A Lightweight Am 1-0-0
Luis Angel Quispe N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Luis "El Sadico" Caballero 6'1" (185cm) Welterweight 3-2-0
Luis Enrique "Pelon" Rivero 5'10" (178cm) 0-0-0
Luis Albert Paucara N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
Luis Condori N/A Flyweight Am 2-1-0
Luis David "El Niño Prodigio" Brito Roca 5'8" (173cm) Featherweight 8-1-0
Luis "Showtime" Galarza N/A Featherweight 6-4-1
Luis Paz N/A 0-0-0
Luis Enrique "El Gorila" Soto N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Maiker Fernandez N/A Flyweight 0-0-0
Manfredo Saavedra N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Manuel Pereira N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Manuel Arredondo N/A Heavyweight Am 1-0-0
Manuel Ayllon N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Manuel Nuñez N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Manuel Mendez N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Marcela Soto N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Marcelo Rios N/A Flyweight Am 0-0-0, 1 NC
Marcelo Gironda N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Marcelo Saigua N/A Lightweight Am 1-1-0
Marcelo Vega N/A Featherweight Am 3-1-0
Marcelo Salamanca N/A 0-1-0
Marcelo Rojas N/A Middleweight Am 1-0-0
Marcelo Careaga N/A Featherweight Am 0-2-0
Marcelo Gonzalez N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Marcelo Gutierrez N/A Flyweight Am 0-2-0
Marcelo Anzes N/A Lightweight Am 2-2-0
Marcelo Ulises N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Marco "El Desportillador" Jimenez N/A Bantamweight 2-2-0
Marco Calle N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Marco Gimenez N/A Flyweight 0-0-0
Marco Mendez N/A Welterweight Am 0-3-0
Marco "Sae" Antezana Pacheco N/A Featherweight Am 1-1-0
Marco Vega N/A Lightweight Am 1-0-0
Marco Roca Valenzuela N/A Heavyweight Am 0-1-0
Marco Saavedra N/A Flyweight 2-1-0
Marco Guzman N/A Featherweight Am 0-3-0
Marco Kenny "La Mole" Viscarra N/A 0-0-0
Marco Capajes N/A Lightweight Am 0-1-0
Marco Negrete N/A Strawweight Am 1-0-0
Marco Capajes N/A Lightweight 0-0-0
Marco Antonio "El Erizo" Gonzales 5'6" (168cm) Featherweight 0-2-0
Marco Limachi N/A Featherweight Am 0-0-1
Marcos Godoy N/A Bantamweight Am 0-0-1
Marcos Vasquez N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Marcos Carballo N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Maria Soliz N/A Bantamweight Am 2-1-0
Maria Pari N/A Flyweight Am 2-0-0
Mariel Alvares N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Mariela "La Brujita" Valverde N/A 0-0-0
Marinez Rodríguez N/A Bantamweight 1-0-0
Mario Sinani N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Mario Balcazar N/A Lightweight 0-0-0
Mario Balderrama N/A Flyweight Am 1-0-0
Mario Bersatti N/A Bantamweight Am 5-6-0
Marlon Alarcon N/A Flyweight Am 0-2-0
Marlon Coca N/A Am 0-1-0
Marlon Equise N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Marlon Equize N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Martin Rodriguez N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Marvin Vela N/A Lightweight 0-0-0
Marwin Vela N/A Lightweight 0-2-0
Matias Delgadillo N/A Featherweight Am 6-1-1
Mauricio Navia N/A Bantamweight Am 1-2-0
Mauricio Medrano N/A Flyweight 0-0-0
Mauricio Flores N/A Flyweight 0-0-0
Mauricio Zambrana N/A Featherweight 3-3-0
Mauricio Durán N/A Welterweight 3-1-0
Mauricio Ramos N/A Am 1-0-0
Mauricio Chumacero N/A Featherweight Am 2-1-0
Mauricio Natush N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Mauro Arrazola N/A Lightweight 0-0-0
Mayker Fernandez N/A Strawweight Am 0-0-1
Melissa Bascope N/A 0-0-0
Melvin Gutierrez N/A Flyweight 0-2-0
Michael Callizaya N/A Lightweight Am 1-1-0
Michael Quisbert N/A Flyweight Am 1-1-0
Micol Alavi N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Miguel Angel Aguirre N/A Flyweight 0-0-0
Miguel Camargo N/A 0-0-0
Miguel Valencia N/A Lightweight Am 0-0-0, 1 NC
Miguel Angel "El Hurucan" Canido N/A 0-0-0
Miguel Angel "Big" Rojas N/A Bantamweight 0-2-0
Miguel Angel "El Martillo" Warnes N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Miguel Martinez N/A Lightweight 0-0-0
Miguel Llampa "El Gallo" Escobar N/A 0-0-0
Miguel Zambrana N/A Am 1-0-0
Miguel Angel Flores N/A Am 1-1-0
Miguel Romero N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Miguel "El Fenix" Rosales 5'5" (165cm) Bantamweight 4-3-0
Miguel Canqui N/A Am 0-1-0
Miguel Martinez N/A Bantamweight Am 1-1-0
Miguel Aguirre N/A Flyweight Am 2-2-2
Milton Aduviri N/A Am 0-1-0
Milton Rodriguez Posada N/A 0-0-0
Milton Tadeo N/A Am 1-1-0
Milton Coronado N/A Am 0-1-0
Misael Soruco N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
Mitchel Bravo Guzman N/A Flyweight Am 0-3-0
Moises "Fire Spirit" Calatayud N/A Bantamweight 5-5-0, 1 NC
Moises Tola N/A Am 0-1-0
Moises Chura 5'7" (169cm) Bantamweight 3-2-1
Moises Coria N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Moises Flores N/A Bantamweight 1-0-0
Máximo "Zeus" Rivero N/A Welterweight 2-3-0
Natalia Vera N/A Flyweight Am 0-2-0
Natanael Zelada N/A Featherweight Am 1-1-0
Neitan Delgadillo N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-1
Nelson Aldieri N/A Lightweight Am 0-1-0
Nelson Calderon N/A Lightweight Am 1-0-0
Nelson Perez N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nestor Cazasola N/A Light Heavyweight 0-3-0
Nestor Marani N/A Flyweight Am 1-0-0
Niclas Daniel Bitre N/A Am 1-0-0
Nicolas Contreras N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Nicolas Eyzaguirre N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Noemi Gonzales 5'2" (157cm) Bantamweight 0-2-0
Norma Mamani N/A Flyweight Am 1-0-0
Olizior Rugeski Jr. N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Omar Calizaya N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Omar Arellano N/A Featherweight Am 0-2-0
Omar Gonzales N/A Lightweight Am 0-1-0
Omar Palacios N/A Lightweight Am 0-1-0
Orlando Sayque N/A Middleweight Am 1-2-0
Oscar Chambi N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Oscar Bersatti 5'6" (167cm) Bantamweight 5-5-0
Oscar Benavente N/A Am 0-1-0
Oscar Rene Merizalde N/A Heavyweight 0-0-0
Oscar Vargas N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Oscar Rodas N/A 0-0-0
Oscar Justiniano N/A Flyweight 0-0-0
Oscar Alexandro N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Osmar Padilla N/A Bantamweight 1-1-0
Osvaldo Rivas N/A Lightweight Am 1-1-0
Pablo Williams Arce N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-1
Pablo Quiroga N/A Featherweight 4-2-0
Pablo Nicolas "El Leon" Rojas N/A 0-0-0
Pablo Villar N/A 0-0-0
Pablo Willians N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Pablo "Perro Loco" Hernan N/A 0-1-0
Pablo Mendoza N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0, 1 NC
Pablo Lemonao N/A Bantamweight Am 1-3-0
Pablo Huanca N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Paolo Helluz N/A Light Heavyweight Am 0-1-0
Patricia Soria N/A Flyweight Am 0-0-1
Patrick Caujera N/A Flyweight 0-0-0
Patturuka Soria N/A Flyweight 0-0-0
Paul Segovia N/A Heavyweight 0-0-0
Paulo Soria N/A Am 0-1-0
Pedro Camacho N/A Featherweight 0-2-0
Percy Llanos N/A Flyweight Am 1-0-0
Piter Velasquez Rivera N/A Welterweight 0-0-0, 1 NC
Pitter Velasquez N/A Middleweight Am 1-0-0
Rafael Peña Ramos N/A Am 0-1-0
Rafael Cabrera N/A Middleweight Am 1-0-0
Rafael Perez N/A Am 0-1-0
Rahciel Escobar N/A Flyweight 0-0-0
Raiko Zuleta N/A Flyweight Am 0-0-0, 1 NC
Ramon Melendres N/A Am 0-1-0
Ramon "Sugar" Averanga N/A 0-0-0
Raul Raya N/A Lightweight Am 3-2-0
Raul Paz N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Raul Choque N/A Lightweight Am 0-1-0
Raymi Rios N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Raúl "El Negro" Rioja N/A Middleweight 1-0-0
Regina Duviesa N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Rene Josias "El Bufalo" Nuñez 6'1" (186cm) Light Heavyweight 6-2-0
Rene Rodriguez N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Rene Gonzalez N/A Lightweight 6-2-0
Renzo "El Rayo" Martínez 5'9" (176cm) Featherweight 10-4-0
Renzo "El Inmortal" Mujica 5'3" (161cm) Flyweight 4-7-0
Reynaldo Molina N/A Am 0-1-0
Ricard Romero N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Ricardo Rosales N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Ricardo "Mateo" Fernandez 5'5" (166cm) 0-0-0
Ricardo Paredes N/A Heavyweight Am 0-1-0
Ricardo Garcia N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Richard Espinoza N/A Featherweight Am 3-0-0
Richard Romero N/A Featherweight Am 2-1-0
Rider Rios N/A Lightweight Am 0-1-0
Ridher Vargas N/A Am 0-1-0
Rilmar Montano N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Rilmar Montaño N/A Bantamweight Am 3-1-0
Rivaldo Mamani N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Robert Vaca N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Robert "Boyka" Batte 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 7-0-0
Roberto Quinteros N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-1
Roberto Flores N/A Lightweight Am 1-0-0
Roberto Lazarte N/A Featherweight Am 5-1-0
Roberto Pastrana N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Roberto Delgadillo N/A Featherweight Am 6-0-0
Roberto Paxi N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Roberto Carlos "Tsunami" Segura N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Roberto Rosa N/A Light Heavyweight Am 1-1-0
Roberto Gomez N/A Middleweight 0-0-0
Rodolfo Rocha N/A Featherweight Am 1-1-0
Rodrigo "El Chino" Castedo N/A Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Rodrigo Mayta N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Rodrigo Atencio N/A Am 0-1-0
Rodrigo Quisbert N/A Flyweight 0-0-0
Rodrigo Condori N/A Featherweight Am 2-0-0
Rodrigo Guachalla N/A Bantamweight Am 1-1-0
Rodrigo Rios Mayata N/A Flyweight 0-0-0
Rodrigo Mendieta N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Rodrigo "El Silencio" Carvajal N/A 0-0-0
Rodrigo Osinaga N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Rodrigo Nunez del Prado N/A Flyweight Am 1-0-0
Rodrigo Cortez N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Rodrigo Quispe N/A 0-0-0
Rodrigo Guachalla N/A 0-0-0
Rodrigo Huarachi N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Rodrigo Franco N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Rodrigo Mendieta N/A Bantamweight Am 2-1-0
Rodrigo Mendiente N/A Am 1-0-0
Rodrigo Andy N/A Lightweight Am 0-1-0
Rodrigo Calizaya N/A 0-0-0
Rogelio Espinoza N/A Flyweight Am 1-1-0
Roger Castanares N/A Bantamweight Am 0-0-0, 1 NC
Roger Rojas N/A Am 1-0-0
Roger Berrocal N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Roger Cosme N/A Bantamweight Am 5-3-0
Rolando Coronel N/A Welterweight 1-1-0
Rolando Quispe N/A Lightweight Am 0-3-0, 1 NC
Rolando Pacheco N/A Bantamweight Am 1-2-1
Rolando Flores N/A Bantamweight 3-2-1
Rolando Salazar N/A 0-0-0, 1 NC
Rolando Calisaya N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Rolando "Rottweiler" Rocha N/A Welterweight 5-2-0, 1 NC
Romer "Lexus" Linares N/A Middleweight 1-0-0
Rommel Coca Via N/A Strawweight Am 0-1-0
Ronal Tunki N/A Bantamweight Am 2-0-0
Ronald Tarqui N/A Flyweight Am 1-0-0, 1 NC
Ronald "El Piola" Bolivar N/A Bantamweight 3-6-0
Ronald Quispe N/A 0-0-0
Ronald Silva N/A Light Heavyweight Am 0-1-0
Ronald Bazan N/A Bantamweight 4-4-0
Ronald Paco N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Roni Camino N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Ronny Perrogon N/A Bantamweight 1-1-0
Ruben "Piraña" Schoengut N/A Bantamweight 0-3-0
Ruben Duran N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Ruben Gutierrez N/A Strawweight Am 0-1-0
Ruben Salvatierra N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Ruben Vargas "El Bombardero de San Julian" Diaz 5'7" (170cm) 0-0-0
Ruddy Bernal N/A Lightweight 0-1-0
Ruddy Flores N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ruddy Reyes N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Rudy Cruz N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
Rudy Alandia N/A Featherweight Am 0-3-0
Rudy Flores N/A Flyweight Am 1-2-0, 1 NC
Rumi Amaru Mamani N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Ruy Velasco N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Saith Flores N/A Flyweight Am 1-0-0
Samir Ramos N/A Strawweight Am 0-0-1
Samir Ovando N/A 0-1-0
Samuel Rada N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Samuel Justiniano N/A Welterweight 0-2-0
Samuel Eguia N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
Santiago Pardo N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Santiago Insaurralde N/A Bantamweight Am 3-0-1
Santiago Espinoza N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Santos Rodrigues N/A Bantamweight Am 0-2-0
Santos Pava N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Saul Simon N/A 0-0-0
Saul Villagomez N/A Lightweight Am 0-1-0
Saul "El Fenix Asesino" Farah 5'10" (178cm) 0-0-0
Saul Camacho N/A Flyweight 0-0-0
Saul Daza N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Sebastian Cortez N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Sebastian Soria Galvarro N/A Bantamweight 1-1-0
Sebastian Caso N/A Am 0-1-0
Sebastian Delgadillo N/A Welterweight 1-2-0
Selene Chavez N/A Strawweight 2-0-0
Sergio Acosta N/A Flyweight 0-0-0
Sergio Suarez N/A Flyweight Am 2-2-0
Sergio Rios 5'6" (168cm) Flyweight 3-3-1
Sergio Condori N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Sergio Ortiz N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Sergio Mamani N/A Lightweight Am 3-1-0
Sergio Esquibel N/A Flyweight 0-1-0
Sergio Hano 5'6" (167cm) Bantamweight 0-0-0
Sergio "Rudeboy" Cabrera N/A Featherweight 3-1-0, 1 NC
Seth Rosas N/A Flyweight Am 1-0-0
Silverio Mendez N/A Flyweight 0-1-0
Slavin Vladimir Porcel N/A Am 0-1-0
Sonny Gutierrez N/A Flyweight 0-1-0
Steve Bravo N/A 0-3-0
Tamara Mendez N/A 0-0-0
Tania Aragon N/A Flyweight 0-0-0
Tareck Salas N/A Welterweight Am 2-0-0
Tatiana Apaza N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Teodoro Rodriguez N/A 1-1-0
Thaylor Villegas N/A Am 1-2-0
Tokuken "Tiger" Yoshimoto 5'5" (165cm) 0-0-0
Ulises Quispe N/A Lightweight Am 0-1-0
Uriel Lucero N/A Middleweight Am 0-1-0
Valeria Rosario N/A Flyweight Am 1-0-0
Verty Patzy N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Victor Mamani N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Victor Hugo Callejas N/A Lightweight Am 1-0-0
Victor Ergueta N/A 0-0-0
Victor Montano N/A Am 1-0-0
Vidal Rojas N/A Flyweight 1-0-0
Vismar Rueda N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Vladimir "El Moicano" Canaviri N/A Bantamweight 0-2-0
Waldo Humerez N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
Walter Miranda N/A 0-0-0
Walter "Metralleta" Roca N/A 0-0-0
Walter Bakovic N/A Middleweight Am 0-1-0
Walter Medina N/A Flyweight Am 3-1-0
Walter Luis Marani N/A Flyweight Am 0-2-0
Weimar Cuellar N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Wilber Lopez N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Will Almeida N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
William Tarqui N/A Am 0-1-0
William Roberto Ortiz N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
William Mamani N/A Flyweight 0-1-0
Williams Gutierrez N/A Bantamweight 1-0-0
Williams Chino N/A Strawweight 0-0-0
Willian Bautista N/A 0-1-0
Willman Junior Cuellar 5'9" (175cm) Featherweight 5-2-0
Willy Rojas Quispe N/A Flyweight Am 0-2-0
Wilmer Mamani N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Wilson Mamani N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Wladimar Aguilar N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Yahannah Vidaurre N/A Strawweight Am 0-1-0
Yamil Ortega N/A Lightweight Am 0-1-0
Yamilth Argani Espinoza N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Yasmany "Taz" Lopez Arauz N/A Bantamweight 1-1-0
Yerco Hernani N/A Flyweight Am 1-0-0
Yerco Zambrana N/A Am 1-0-0
Yeri Banegas N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Yerko Hermani Chigua N/A Flyweight Am 1-2-0
Yerko Diaz N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Yerko Quenta N/A Am 1-0-0
Yhonny Quispe N/A Lightweight Am 1-0-0
Yohan "Blue" Flores N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Yohana Vidaurre N/A Flyweight Am 1-0-0
Yonathan Challapa N/A Flyweight Am 0-1-0
Yonny Chiri N/A Am 0-1-0
Yordy "El Terrible" Ayala 5'10" (179cm) Lightweight 4-7-0
Yury Pinto N/A 0-0-0
Ziomara Lens N/A Flyweight Am 1-0-0

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